
Debate Info

It's all clear now Zealotry
Debate Score:23
Total Votes:24
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 It's all clear now (10)
 Zealotry (4)

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Xenithbionic(2) pic

Ever notice how libs don't want to help from their pocketbook

I've noticed that libs want to "help" people in ways that make them look good, but cost them nothing.

For example, you never see a mass exodus of libs to disaster zones to clean up, do rescues, or pass out food. You don't see libs emptying their wallets to help anyone.

They want to "help" in ways that are free to them and cost them no time, money, or physical action. In reality, that isn't compassion or love. It's a mask to hide who they really are.

It's all clear now

Side Score: 18


Side Score: 5
1 point

Ever notice how libs don't want to help from their pocketbook?

Hello X:

Actually, I haven't.. When I help, I don't wear my liberal clothes, and I don't know what right wing clothes look like..


Side: It's all clear now
DeltaInferno(83) Disputed
1 point

Typing on this site all day isn't help. It's an easy way to talk and do nothing. The liberal way. Flaunt ethics, then ignore them.

Side: Zealotry
0 points

Oh, so you go out and survey the ones that are "libs" or "cons" at disasters? Do you do anything productive at all those disasters you ho to?? Zealot??

Jimmy Carter is a "Lib", he's at MANY of them, and he brings other "lib" friends …. just sayin'. How many of your "con" friends went to Puerto Rico?? A couple of my "lib" friends went … they did more than "toss paper towels". :-)

Side: Zealotry
potatosalad(314) Disputed
5 points

Oh, so you go out and survey the ones that are "libs" or "cons" at disasters? Do you do anything productive at all those disasters you ho to?? Zealot??

I look at the pictures and read the articles about the heroes. They aren't libs.

Jimmy Carter is a "Lib", he's at MANY of them, and he brings other "lib" friends

Jimmy Carter is a strong Christian and has supported Trump. He looks nothing like libs today, nor could he win today as a Democrat.


Jimmy Carter saying things Democrats today hate-

Side: It's all clear now
excon(18262) Disputed
2 points

I look at the pictures

Hello ps:

Yeah.. I look at the pictures too.. For the life of me, I can't tell the libs from the conservatives.. You can?



Side: Zealotry
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
2 points

Grandpaw where were your Atheist buddies at to help out the people of Puerto Rico in a time of crisis ??????????

Side: It's all clear now
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
2 points

Grandpaw can you say the Government of Puerto Rico is not CORRUPT ?

Grandpaw can you remember the mayor of New Orleans ?

It was Ray the Negro and where did that corrupt NEGRO end up ???

Grandpaw you LEFTIST are corrupt to the core and that is FACT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: It's all clear now
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
2 points

What Grandpaw this cannot be true ????????

At least a thousand pallets of water bottles, meant for Hurricane Maria survivors, were left to rot under the Puerto Rican sun.That is what Angelo Cruz Ramos, the mayor of Ceiba, told ABC News about what happened to thousands and thousands of water bottles that are sitting on the tarmac at the former naval base, Roosevelt Roads.

Cruz Ramos did not know the water was there and only found out when the images, posted to Facebook on Sept. 11, went viral, he said. The area is a restricted zone, so he is not been able to approach it.

Side: It's all clear now
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
2 points

Hundreds of thousands of bottles of water languished on an abandoned airport runway in Puerto Rico while the island faced severe shortages in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, it has emerged.

The huge supply was shown sitting on tarmac at José Aponte de la Torre Airport in aerial photographs posted to Facebook by Abdiel Santana, who works United Forces of Rapid Action agency of the Puerto Rico Police.

Mr Santana told CBS News that he first saw thousands of boxes stacked there a year ago, and took the photographs because he is angry they are still there.

"Believe it or not...nearly a million boxes of water that were never delivered to the people of P.R. during the emergency of Hurricane Maria," Mr Santana posted on Facebook in Spanish. "Is there someone that can explain this?"

Grandpaw LEFTIST have been exposed as CORRUPT LMMFAO

Side: It's all clear now
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Grandpaw have you noticed not one Atheist Group sent help to the Carolina's ????????

And if they did pony up the information you FACTLESS IDIOT !!!!!!!!!!

Side: It's all clear now