
Debate Info

Evolutionist Creationist
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Creationist (1)

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anachronist(889) pic

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Challenge Debate: Evolution vs Creationism (or whatever psuedoscientific label you want to give it)


I will be arguing from the standpoint that evolution is an observable, testable fact, verified by evidence both direct and indirect. Creationism is based purely in faith, and creationists should stop pretending that there is such thing as "creation science", as creationism requires active denial of almost everything we know about biology, chemistry, physics, psychology etc etc.


Actual evidence must be used, and sources must be justified when contested. For example, if my opponent chooses to use articles from, they must expect to be challenged in doing so if the claims in the source are misinformed. The Bible doesn't count as an accurate source.


My opponent will preferably have a basic grasp of science, (although this is unlikely if they are a creationist).






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Side Score: 2
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2 points

Evolution is great likewise Creationism is Narly. So in the end;boning is the right on answer. so Let's bone.

Side: Creationist