
Debate Info

Facts Truth Bun
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:12
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 Facts (2)
 Truth Bun (3)

Debate Creator

RoeJogan(21) pic

Excon is a valor thief and a criminal

He's a valor thief, a criminal and a douchebag who pretends to be Jewish just so he can accuse people who disagree with him of being anti-Semitic.


Side Score: 4

Truth Bun

Side Score: 4
1 point

Excon is a valor thief and a criminal

Hello nom..

Why don't you suck on my Jewish weenie??


Side: Facts
Boondog(4) Disputed
0 points

Why don't you suck on my Jewish weenie?

Your weenie is about as Jewish as Ramadan. Stop telling lies about being Jewish for clout and shut the hell up, you absolute slimebucket.

Side: Truth Bun
excon(18261) Disputed
2 points

Stop telling lies about being Jewish

Hello hater:

So, you know I'm not Jewish, how? Of course, you don't have any idea whether I'm Jewish or not.. So, you make up shit..

Only a fuck stick would make up shit about somebody.. Only a full on antisemite would say such shit... Yeah.. I remember what you said about Jews.. Lemme tell the people what an antisemite pile of shit you are..

For starters, you say there are NO Jews.. They intermarried so much that real Jews disappeared.. You MUST hate Jews to make up such stupid antisemitic shit. In the REAL world, as EVERYBODY knows, Jews rarely marry outside their religion. But, you HATE Jews sooooo much, that you have to make up stories about them.

What a pathetic fuck you are.. But wait. There's more.

I took DNA test and posted it... It verified that I was 97% Ashkenazi Jewish.. Of course, you couldn't let that go, so you said that the DNA company is a Jewish company, so naturally they lied about me being Jewish, even though the DNA company had no idea that I was Jewish.

Oh, how you must hate Jews to lie like that.. Now, of course like the liar you are, you'll DENY you said any of this.. But, we have it archived. Of course, you change your identity just so you can LIE about the shit you say.

So, you keep on, you little hateful gutter snipe.. I ain't going anywhere.. Now, crawl back under your rock.

excon, nice Jewish fella

Side: Facts
0 points

Yes. He likes to fool around and act like a total idiot who contradicts himself. He's probably a drunkard too. I am not surprised that he is scum.

Side: Truth Bun