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Debate Score:5
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 Franklin Roosevelt (3)

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Franklin Roosevelt

People say FDR was a great president. Do you think he was? Why?

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2 points

I have never figured out how those that benefit from FDR criticize him. I suggest that you refuse all government aid or you will be nothing more than a hypocrite. Welfare, unemployment, social security, etc. all put in motion by FDR. Make sure you never ever receive a single dime from these.

Side: To bad good ideas are wrecked by others
1 point

Welfare, unemployment, social security...

Good, I look forward to that, but in order for that to occur, then government has to stop taking my money first, so I can save for the future. See, saving is putting off present consumption for future consumption. Then, government has to stop destroying the currency, so savings are not destroyed as well.

Also, welfare is basically for the lazy and stupid. Unemployment insurance wouldn't exist if government didn't create economic boom with cheap credit, and Social Security shouldn't exist if people known the importance of saving for future consumption. Social Security is a byproduct of incessant present consumption.

Side: Top Five Worst

Absolutely Not, the Depression was developed through the intervention of President Hoover, and it was prolonged by Franklin Roosevelt.

Side: Top Five Worst