
Debate Info

Popular but dumb Ingenious but lonely
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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 Popular but dumb (2)
 Ingenious but lonely (7)

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instig8or(3308) pic

Friendship vs Ingenuity

Which would you rather?

Popular but dumb

Side Score: 2

Ingenious but lonely

Side Score: 7
31337(560) Banned
1 point

Ignorance is bliss?

No matter how many hobbies I take on, they can never replace the stimulation caused by human interaction.

Side: Popular but dumb
31337(560) Disputed Banned
1 point

I take it back, I love being awesome.

F0ck 411 u f46607 455 14m35. >:D

Side: Ingenious but lonely

It is destined that some people are to be lonely. Loneliness is not bad if someone has the will power to cope with it.

Side: Ingenious but lonely
1 point

i'd much rather not 'sociologically pollute' my environment with loud stupidity after hearing its tones myself.

as a note, there are a few types of intelligence and personality. myers-briggs isn't too bad at showing this.

Side: Ingenious but lonely
31337(560) Clarified Banned
1 point

Who is this myers Briggs and how exactly does he show it?

Side: Popular but dumb
1 point

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a personality configuration theory based around introversion/extroversion

overview of personality types

Side: Ingenious but lonely

I rather be ingenious because you can let people know that you are smart then you can make friends

Side: Ingenious but lonely
Nomoturtle(858) Clarified Banned
1 point

smart people generally don't tend to make as many friends.

it's far more effort with far less reward to be friends with someone substantially less intelligent than you.

now consider the probability that someone as intelligent as you, slightly greater, or slightly lesser comes along. the odds of this sort of person appearing, in a non-bias 'domain', are relatively slim.

Side: Popular but dumb
1 point

It's much better to be intelligent and alone (sometimes lonely) that popular and a stupid bubblehead, in my opinion, at least.

Side: Ingenious but lonely