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Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 FromWithin's Banning Criteria (4)

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GenericName(3430) pic

FromWithin's Banning Criteria

Just to let you guys know, you no longer even have to insult him in order for in order to have him ban you.  He will insult you, then you just need to point out that he is insulting you and them he will ban you.

So have some fun with it! 

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I like to see how many posts I can get in before I'm banned. I've had a lot of success by not actually responding to the FromWithin personas posts, but rather starting off-topic conversations that lightly mock the situation with others posting on there. It gets enough responses to its posts directly that its attention is largely occupied by those, which tends to keep me off its radar for a little while.

1 point

Create debate is a social networking framework built around ideas, discussion and meaningful debates

If any contributor wants to play mind games - who cares - just ignore them and eventually like old news they will simply fade away.

Jace(5211) Clarified
3 points

Create debate is a social networking framework built around ideas, discussion and meaningful debates

That was the intent, but the night is dark and full of trollers.

1 point

Oh, in a scientific debate you will get banned for mentioning facts. You don't even need to talk to FromWithin in those debates.

Don't bother participating on his debates.