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Debate Score:13
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AEdwards-smi(24) pic

Frontline NHS refusing flu jab should be redeployed

 Question 1: Should  it be compulsory that any frontline NHS staff who refuse to have the flu vaccine be redeployed, so they don’t work directly with patients?


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 11

NHS staff are role models, and if the evidence is suggesting that vaccinations work then they should be promoting this through their own actions

Side: Yes
1 point

NHS have a legal duty of care. Ensuring that providing person centred care and committing to the patients is a priority. If there was no health concerns such as, allergies I feel as though NHS staff should have the vaccine as you could be endangering lives, and their role is to care and try to cure.

Side: Yes

Vaccinations are a choice. As long as the staff member understands their personal risk they should make the decision

Side: No
1 point

No one should be forced to have a vaccine, and so if best for the health of NHS staff they should be put out of direct risk. however if there is no risk to patients and they are ok with not having the vaccine and working close to patients who have they should be able to.

Side: No

no because everyone should have a choice, if there not given a choice then that means they have been forced to do it

Side: No

NO, its taking away choice when the risk to the patient is minimal.

Side: No

no - some people maybe against vaccinations (not that im anti vax!!) but i agree it should be their choice. it shouldn't stop them doing their job which they have trained for for so long... they could be allergic to the ingredients or had a previous adverse affect from the vaccination and shouldn#t be penalized for something they cant control... other measures should be considered instead

Side: No

I would no has everyone should be given a choice and their would not be given one

Side: No

people have the right to their own choices and can't be forced, and have their own opinion as to whether it works in the first place.

Side: No

No - Taking away their choice, however it could be putting patients a risk so maybe an alternative compromise

Side: No
1 point

NHS frontline staff should not be redeployed. This is personal choice and it does not affect your ability to work on the front line. There is no evidence to suggest that frontline workers will infect their patients by not having the jab many frontline workers choose not to have the jab. Many more do not even get flu in their lifetime and there are risks when having the flu jab.

Side: No
1 point

Forcing only Frontline NHS staff to have the flu jab rather than all staff is discrimination against certain staff members. It also leaves the impression that their is a hierarchy within roles and it would only be vitally important for you to have this jab so much so to lose your job, if you were a frontline worker. Using someones job as leverage to get them to do what you want revokes any consent from an individual

Side: No
1 point

It is for the NHS to choose whether they want to risk continuing on the frontline without a flu jab and if it is not in their beliefs to vaccinate then they shouldn't be forced, because we should consider the culture surrounding a person.

Side: No