
Debate Info

GM foods are essential GM foods are not essential
Debate Score:25
Total Votes:27
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 GM foods are essential (11)
 GM foods are not essential (13)

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Margret(18) pic

GM foods are essential in the fight against world hunger

GM foods are essential

Side Score: 11

GM foods are not essential

Side Score: 14

With global populations continuing to rise exponentially, even though it would be technically possible to solve world hunger without the aid of GM currently, I fail to see how regular crop turnover and breeding will keep up with increasing demand for food.

Side: GM foods are essential
1 point

Genetically modified food is a great way to make healthier food, more food, and longer lasting food. Great to send around the world and feed others.

Side: GM foods are essential

Well, if the GM food tastes good and is safe, then it can be used to give to poor countries.

Side: GM foods are essential
2 points

This argument is ridiculous.

Saying GM foods are better because they are cheaper is like saying we should send tainted water with deadly toxins to Africans because it is cheaper than purified water.

Side: GM foods are not essential
Liber(1712) Disputed
1 point

What makes you think that genetically modified foods are tainted and/or toxic?

Side: GM foods are not essential
Apollo(1590) Disputed
1 point

Writing a 10 page thesis on the subject has something to do with it...

Side: GM foods are not essential
ricedaragh(2482) Disputed
1 point

What deadly toxins are in GM crops over non-GM Crops ?

Side: GM foods are essential
1 point

Let people starve. If the world cannot provide for them, then they ought not be here in the first place.

Side: GM foods are not essential
BenWalters(1508) Disputed
1 point

I'm not going to argue your point of view, simply because I'm pretty sure I won't change it, but you do realise that that doesn't answer the question, right?

Side: GM foods are essential
Liber(1712) Disputed
1 point

No question was asked. However, if the title were to be reworked into a question, I imagine it would look something like this: "Are GM Foods Essential in the Fight Against World Hunger?" To which I would reply, "No, GM foods are not essential in the fight against world hunger because such a fight is not ours. If the world cannot provide for us, we are to die. Survival of the Fittest. We ought not be tampering with Darwinism."

Side: GM foods are not essential
1 point

i don't think they're essential, plus i think we need more research into the side effects after eating these foods do to a person. Plus if we stopped growing any tobacco, and replaced that land with food, we would be able to feed billions of more people than we do now(people would have to stop smoking tobacco though, which will probrably never happen). I also read that they're gonna build huge greenhouses in the dessert to pretty much be huge farm greenhouses.

Side: GM foods are not essential