
Debate Info

Man-made Natural/other
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 Man-made (5)

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user554random(1175) pic

Global Warming: Man-made or natural?

Do you think that global warming is real?  If so, do you believe it is man made or that it is natural or independent of man?

I put "other" for people who think it is a conspiracy in the scientific community, or something else of that nature.  


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 0
1 point

The evidence is pretty clear, and it's a fairly simple equation. Greenhouse gasses like C02 trap the sun's heat. We've been creating more C02. Therefore there is more C02 in the atmosphere trapping the sun's heat.

There is no magical fairytale "jesus will just blow on the earth to cool it down" way around this fact.

You may, if you feel the burning need to tote the line of Big Oil PR campaigns, argue about the extent to which the earth is warming and what that means, and whether switching to cleaner energy and making the poor multi-trillion-dollar Oil Companies cry tears of gold and diamonds is really worth creating more jobs and cleaner air.

But arguing whether it is warming, you might as well also argue what 1 plus 1 equals.

Side: Man-made
1 point

And, all these factories and stuff, At this rate we may possibly be seeing extinction of all organisms in the world.

Side: Man-made
iamdavidh(4856) Clarified
1 point

Well not precisely.

Realistically humans and cockroaches are incredibly hard to kill (us because of technology, they due to exoskeletons and very simple and efficient cardiovascular systems).

We'd not all die. Hell, we'd actually survive a nuclear winter, some of us.

But, how shitty do we really want the place we live to become? I say, clean energy is probably only a decade or two away from full realization if we push for it, so why not push for it?

I mean, who the hell doesn't like cleaner air and 100% localized jobs (as opposed to OPEC getting like 30% of the world's wealth).

Side: Man-made

Definitely man-made. It's actually kinda sad, how much we destroy our planet. I also don't get people who don't believe in Global Warming. At all. I mean, how else do they explain climate change to themselves?

Side: Man-made
1 point

As we know the main cause of Global warming is polluted air.......We are polluting air by building factories, by throwing the rubbish in the rivers and waters, so by this kind of behaviour we are causing Global Warming.

Side: Man-made

It is now 2015 and Pope Francis issue an encyclical that global warming is man-made.

Side: Man-made
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