
Debate Info

Love Him! Hate Him!
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Love Him! (2)
 Hate Him! (1)

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YeshuaBought(2848) pic


Love Him!

Side Score: 2

Hate Him!

Side Score: 2
1 point

I look at him(?) like Casper the Friendly Ghost. How can you hate anything that doesn't exist? Why should you hate ANYTHING, unless it gives you a reason to hate … (like the IMPOTUS)?

I think you have depended on S/HE/IT for things only YOU can make happen …. and it hasn't. I think you could do it alone if you stop depending on "Casper". (Try it … good luck. ;-)

Side: Love Him!
1 point

How can you hate anything that doesn't exist?

You say God doesn't exist. She says he does.

Problem is that you both have an equal amount of evidence. None.

Side: Hate Him!
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Can I say Superman doesn't exist? I have no evidence, but ……… ;-)

Side: Love Him!

I love God, but He is not making too much sense right now. I don't want to discuss the issue.

Side: Love Him!
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