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 Good advice for nationalists (5)

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NomIsDumb(54) pic

Good advice for nationalists

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I am a nationalist, not because I care about skin color (I don't), or anything stupid, but because I have religious and political objections to the globalist movement. I can prove, that the Antichrist, will be a globalist, by refering you, to Revelation, 13.

NomIsDumb(54) Disputed
1 point

or anything stupid, but because I have religious

You just contradicted yourself so quickly that you may have set a new record.

I can prove, that the Antichrist, will be a globalist, by refering you, to Revelation, 13.

Yes, but can you prove that the anti-christ will be real?

YeshuaBought(2848) Clarified
1 point

I am asking, what sort of evidence, do you want? I will do everything possible, to help you.

1 point

The Chinese, Russians, etc have no interest in uniting with Western liberals to solve anything. You'll cut fossil fuel emissions, and they'll up theirs to fill the void for their own self interests.

NomIsDumb(54) Disputed
1 point

The Chinese, Russians, etc have no interest in uniting with Western liberals to solve shit.

All the more reason to promote globalism. If the Chinese and Russian people demand unity and democracy, and the west helps them, maybe the fascist regimes can be toppled or phased out.