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is discrimination not discrimination
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Google sued for racial discrimination against White & Asian men

"Former YouTube Recruiter Sues Google for Discriminating 'Against Caucasian and Asian Men'"

A former Google employee is claiming that the company discriminated against white and Asian male candidates during the recruiting process. Arne Wilberg, who worked as a recruiter for YouTube for seven years, filed a civil lawsuit against Google in January for allegedly retaliating against him when he objected to the company’s recruiting practices.

According to the lawsuit, Wilberg recruited candidates for engineering and tech jobs at Google and YouTube. The suit alleges that for several years, the company “had and implemented clear and irrefutable policies, memorialized in writing and consistently implemented in practice, of systematically discriminating in favor job applicants who are Hispanic, African American, or female, and against Caucasian and Asian men.” It noted that these policies were made evident in “multiple bulletins, memorandum, charts, and other documents” that were prepared and approved by leadership at the company.

is discrimination

Side Score: 0

not discrimination

Side Score: 0
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