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Debate Score:31
Total Votes:48
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addltd(5125) pic

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day!


Please share your Valentines wishes to all the members of the site…


Or that special someone who makes your time here that much better!

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4 points

I want to wish a happy Valentine's Day to Judas, Hellno, Andy, Saurbaby, and others. I am half asleep so do not be mad if I do not name you. I love you all. :D

2 points

I wonder, if she still hates me for reasons unknown. I don't know why.

Sitara(11075) Clarified
1 point

Who me? I do not hate you. Hate is against my religion. o.O

2 points

happy valentine's dayyyy everyone!!!! hope you have a great day!!! happy valentine's day sovietspy!!! happy valentine's day srom!!!! happy valentine's andyyyyy!! and all the other members!!

I hate it when its Valentines Day. I just hate it. So useless day

1 point

Thank you for the wishes. I hope you are having a good day!

1 point

Happy valentines day to all the past present and future members of createdebate who make the site what it is today!

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

I hope you all have a bad acid trip and get your significant other to break up with you this Valentine's Day. Happy V-Day!

Sitara(11075) Disputed
2 points

Wow. You are hateful. You need to get laid .

2 points

Wow. You are butt hurt, you and your ass need to stop getting selling yourself on the corner.

(ps: stop taking all my jokes seriously)

1 point

I'v been rejected 11 times today and no one loves me there is no one out there for me and tis is the worse day of the year

addltd(5125) Clarified
1 point

Is that 11 times by the same person or 11 different people? I would give it some time and see what you can find!

1 point

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

I hope that everyone has had a wonderful Valentines day, especially all you single people out there. Don't worry, you will find someone eventually ;) Don't give up. There is someone out there for you all.

1 point

I am too shy to say who that special someone is on here. ;)

2 points

Seriously, everything you type is like out a cartoon or magazine.---------------------

Sitara(11075) Disputed
0 points

Seriously, I do not give a fuck what you say. ;)