
Debate Info

Harlem Shake Gangnam Style
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:7
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 Harlem Shake (2)
 Gangnam Style (2)

Debate Creator

LizziexLaura(4278) pic

Harlem Shake or Gangnam Style

Which is better?

Harlem Shake

Side Score: 4

Gangnam Style

Side Score: 2
2 points

I like the Harlem Shake its really good music and catchy. I don't like Gangnam Style its overplayed so many times.

Side: Harlem Shake
1 point

harlem shake. kills me everytime i watch it and all the other versions!!! way better than gangnam!

Side: Harlem Shake
1 point

The Harlem shake gets on my nerves but gangnam style was good just a little over played now :P

Side: Gangnam Style
0 points

1) More skilled and actually, despite how easy it looks, takes far more practice to master than the Harlem Shake.

2) More YouTube views.

3) Actually was a song and not a shitty Dubstep mix (which isn't music and is robots fucking)

Side: Gangnam Style