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 Has Nom listened to any rappers thoroughly other than Tupac, Vinnie Paz and Necro? (1)

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MrLizard(9) pic

Has Nom listened to any rappers thoroughly other than Tupac, Vinnie Paz and Necro?

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It isn't really my top genre of music, but I've listened to a lot of the old school guys. People like NWA, Gangstarr (my personal favourite), Public Enemy, Naughty by Nature, Grandmaster Flash etc... I also like guys like Immortal Technique and Eminem. Problem is I don't really like the direction the genre has moved into over the last few years. It was a lot better when it was underground. I don't like the way it has been commercialised in artists like Kanye West and Nicki Minaj and almost mixed with R&B.

SunTzuv2(52) Clarified
1 point