
Debate Info

There was this one time... Never.
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 Never. (5)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Has anyone ever REALLY tried to shove their religion down your throat?

There was this one time...

Side Score: 0


Side Score: 7
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2 points

Ew... I don't think I'd like anything that tastes like Deuteronomy...

Side: Never.
2 points

No, but once on Cops I saw a guy try to shove a Jesus statue up his ass.

Side: Never.

Not literally..., besides, I think I kinda asked for it ;)

Side: Never.

No, but I've tried to shove my religion down peoples throats. The endeavors were mostly successful.

Side: Never.
1 point

Well now that you've put it that way...... =p

Side: Never.