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 Has anyone played Plague Inc? (6)

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AbbyNestor(1028) pic

Has anyone played Plague Inc?

Plague Inc

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2 points

I am a boss at it. I have beaten all of them on brutal except for the zombie one. I beat that on normal.

1 point

No, but it looks interesting, so I'll try it out.

2 points

Do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You will like it. It is out on both Android and iOS. You will love it.

I haven't I have a dumbphone, but I have played the computer version it was derived from.

Pandemic 2

I havent played Pandemic. I have played Plague Inc. I suck at it because I feel bad for killing people. So I usually just let them kill my plague.

andybar98(124) Disputed
1 point

Actually, it was derived from Pandemic (1) and 2

Plague Inc is better