
Debate Info

Oh! Why yes, yes I have. No, I'm not a psycho
Debate Score:20
Total Votes:20
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 Oh! Why yes, yes I have. (9)

Debate Creator

Hellno(17753) pic

Have You Ever Boycotted Something?

Oh! Why yes, yes I have.

Side Score: 10

No, I'm not a psycho

Side Score: 10
2 points

Stupid little things when I was a kid; like refusing to clean my room because I was mad at my mom or refusing to go to detention because my teacher was full of shit. I'm currently in the process of boycotting Dana... for obvious reasons.

Side: Oh! Why yes, yes I have.
1 point

I'm currently in the process of boycotting Dana...

LOL! Not a bad idea....

Side: Oh! Why yes, yes I have.
1 point

I'm not going to bother responding to her arguments anymore. All she ever says is "judge not lest you be judged", anyways. I also told her that she shouldn't bother entering any debates I make either, because I'm just going to ban her. I also blocked her from messaging, so she sends me challenge debates with her message in the title... and she bans me from them lol. One of them said something along the lines of "you ban me, I'll ban you", which I shouldn't have to explain why that sounded ridiculous coming from her, especially considering the fact that I had just basically told her that I'm going to be avoiding her for now on.

Side: Oh! Why yes, yes I have.

I tried eating less junk food and soda but it's hard because they are so good!

Side: Oh! Why yes, yes I have.
1 point

I tried to drink less Coke but yeah.... it never really happened.

Side: Oh! Why yes, yes I have.

Salad is good when I make it. Key word I well Letter lol.

Side: Oh! Why yes, yes I have.

I'm currently in the process of silently boycotting Teen Titans Go!. Have you seen this abomination they call a comedic take on the Teen Titans? They brought in the same cast, so the voices would all be the same, so that the original Teen Titans' fans could still enjoy the show, but the writers, and animators of this show decided everything would be chibi, and that the missions would almost never revolve around saving the day, but instead it'd revolve around the comedic side to saving the day. All done in an overly childish way.

I know it's made for younger audiences, but the original wasn't and it just seems wrong to make it for kids when it's not. Like when 4kids got their hands on One Piece. ugh.

Side: Oh! Why yes, yes I have.
1 point

The 21st Century.

Side: Oh! Why yes, yes I have.
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