
Debate Info

Boy have they No it's still real
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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 Boy have they (2)
 No it's still real (7)

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Quocalimar(6470) pic

Have a lot of artists been phoning it in lately?

This includes painters, singers, dancer,s etc, all of the people who call themselves an artists of sorts. Do you believe their works are way less meaningful than they used to be and that they just for the money, or do thye still hold the meaning they used to?

A painting of a giant baby about to eat some people or something

Boy have they

Side Score: 3

No it's still real

Side Score: 9

Absolutely, art has lost its sense nowdays. High quality pieces are rare. There is popular commercial art which is too lame to talk about and "artistic" art which is not what it used to be. I mean look at this

Interior semiotics
Side: Boy have they

If you hovered over the picture you have my view.

Another example of artists just giving up any old crap for the money and the sake of keeping their name relevant is pop music. I won't say it all sucks, because I like a few of the songs that made me make this debate, but it's all meaningless. A pop group that has yet to write a meaningful song: 1 direction

Side: Boy have they
2 points

It depends on a few key factors. Me, I'm a music producer and aspiring performer, so music is what I focus on the most. And yeah, modern popular music is pure shite, but then...I feel like popular music was always shite, its just that the older stuff has been filtered so many times we end up with the cream of the crop by default. And, as I always felt that popular interpretation of a medium is the worst way to look at said medium. Look towards the innovators, not the imitators.

Also, art of any kind typically reflects its generation. And this current generation seems to be rooted in the cut-and-paste world. Technology is advancing so fast, few can keep up with it. And most people my age or younger have so much ready exposure to the past that we tend to forget to look towards the future.

But, in any artistic medium there at any time, there are still the geniuses who are pushing things forward. We are just at a point in time when they don't tend to get much exposure...

Side: No it's still real

I think music is just worded and said so differently now. Lots of songs or works of art still have meaning. Poetry still works and so does story writing. There are lots of songs I could think of like David Guetta feat. Sia - Titanium or The Band Perry - If I Die Young. The music may be different but a message can still be found.

Side: No it's still real
IzetFazlinov(177) Clarified
1 point

They have some meaning but it's not as near as deep as music used to be. Take Richard Wagner for example, although I do not agree with his political positions his music had metaphysical and philosophical meaning and that's what modern music lacks. Back in old days music had some political and philosophical meaning. I mean check at this:

Pink Floyd
Side: Boy have they
RoamingRhodi(181) Clarified
1 point

I have to disagree. Language has expanded and the rhetorical devices these songs use are much larger than the ones they used before. Diction and syntax has grown past these day and now we have music at its highest quality. Most songs go with personal preference though.

Side: Boy have they

I agree. Lots of songs still carry a meaning with them. They have just changed their way of style. They present themselves much differently.

Side: No it's still real

I know. Music has its meaninh hidden and searching for it is much harder than it was back then. Music has grown.

Side: No it's still real

I agree. Lots of songs still carry a meaning with them. They have just changed their way of style. They present themselves much differently.

Side: No it's still real

Art reflects the time or else Art would become stagnated.

Side: No it's still real