
Debate Info

No, it's totally rational Yes, bring back common sense
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Yes, bring back common sense (2)

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Paul_Tennant(184) pic

Have health and safety officials gone mad

Here in the uk health and safety officials seem to have completely lost their minds, I read a couple of articles lately and one stated that an elderly woman was told she couldn't board a bus on her mobility scooter because she didn't have a licence to use the ramp.. The second was of a man who wasn't allowed to carry a tray of drinks in a bar because of health and safety rules... There are many other examples, yo-yo's and the game of conkers being banned in schools, kettles banned from workplaces, shops refusing to sell knitting needles.. The list goes on, have they lost all common sense?

No, it's totally rational

Side Score: 0

Yes, bring back common sense

Side Score: 3
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2 points

health officials want to treat us like children, be our mommy and daddy, even our nanny. Independence is a thing of the past.

Side: Yes, bring back common sense
1 point

There are many cases where a patient’s symptoms are very mild or non-existent. But that doesn’t mean asymptomatic cases aren’t a risk. The benefits of mobility scooters are widely accepted but when do folding mobility scooters ... The impact of social isolation on mental health is well documented.

Side: Yes, bring back common sense