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Debate Score:7
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chimchimney(165) pic

Have modern cartoons lost their morality?

I had a talk with a bunch of old-timers on June 4, 2011 and they seem to think that cartoons these days are weird compared to the ones they had when they were kids like Popeye. They said that cartoons these days lost their morality. Do you think so?


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 4
1 point

Yeah. Cartoons these days are lame. They aren't funny and they're very weird. I have a little brother that watches them. Half of the shows on cartoon network aren't even cartoons lol.

Side: yes
1 point

Cartoons back then had character, they were funny, they had a story line that made sense. These cartoons are so weird and boring and some of them are dark and perverted.

Side: yes
1 point

Some... Yes! And especially now, the cartoons need to buckle up better with all the violence around and the misuse of nature. There has to be better moral. You need to add something wiser, And not just make something that you feel is creative.

Side: yes
2 points

Kids cartoons from previous generations, were really violent, they depicted, drinking, smoking, kidnapping not to mention out right racism. The only funny part was the cat or mouse or whatever receiving blows to the head from objects that would crush ones skull.

Cartoons now, if we are referring to non-adult orientated ones, act a great deal more responsibly with the handling of immoral subject matter. Although there is a lot of toilet humor or action related violence, there isn't the aforementioned smoking etc, the violence is more indirect and accounted for with justice and moral lessons.

I think that some of the shows that are been run are quite funny. I have two small boys that love cartoons, Adventure Time, Regular Show, The Grimm Adventures of Billy and Mandy, The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack, Chowder, Ben 10 not to forget Spongebob Squarepants, There is many more, how many times did Bluto kidnap Olive and have Popeye give him a face lift. Worst though is too think about all the racial stereotypes in older cartoons. Moral, my hole!;=related;=related

Cartoon Violence
Side: No

Why all of the sudden have modern cartoons lost morality? If any cartoon that someone thinks as unmoral, just don't watch it.

Cartoons are not only fake, but it is drawings. What is all the big fuse?

Side: No
1 point

I don't think so...but I'm busy, ask me after the South Park marathon and I finish watching reruns of Beavis and Butthead. lol

Side: No