
Debate Info

Yeah, all the time. No, but I'm headed there now.
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:11
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 Yeah, all the time. (3)
 No, but I'm headed there now. (8)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

Have you ever been to Germany (Nice picture inside).

Yeah, all the time.

Side Score: 3

No, but I'm headed there now.

Side Score: 8

I go there for the sights ;)

Side: Yeah, all the time.
1 point

Well, not all the time. But I have in the past.

Glad I could help answer your question.

PS. Who's the hooker?

Side: Yeah, all the time.
1 point

Just once. It was in the winter too, so I didn't get to see anything like that :(

Side: Yeah, all the time.

I've got no one interesting to travel with except Luey, my imaginary friend, but he's imaginary....sooo

Side: No, but I'm headed there now.

Nope, but I really want to. And I do happen to know three very pretty ladies living there who could give me a tour.

Side: No, but I'm headed there now.

I'm sorry to hear that you've been friend zoned ;)

Side: No, but I'm headed there now.

Yeah, all they had to do was say "no". Moving to another continent seems a bit extreme doesn't it?

Side: No, but I'm headed there now.

We (the British) beat them in two World Wars and we have a way better sense of humour then that miserable lot.

Side: No, but I'm headed there now.
1 point

They do have better beer though lol.

Side: No, but I'm headed there now.