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Debate Score:12
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TERMINATOR(6781) pic

Have you ever cried during a movie?

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Side Score: 10


Side Score: 2

There was this movie once..., can't remember the name, the guy was drinking and driving, he hit a speed bump and spilled his drink. What a waste. I balled my eyes out ;)

Side: yes

No! No! NOOOO!!! How could such a precious thing as alcohol be spilled?!?!?

Side: yes

Now, that is ((tragedy.))) Spilling a [[beer]] would make me cry.

Side: yes

Hey, a man that can admit that he has cried is a real man.

Movie: Grand Torino with Clint Eastwood. One of his best movies in the last 15 years.

Side: yes

I liked it, and it was emotional - just not that emotional. Changeling was more emotional.

Side: yes
1 point


I cry on the inside all the time, but outside:

Big Fish

Green Mile

Various war movies I can't think of right now


It's a natural human reaction. Specifically, I tend to cry when something is a combination of beautiful and sad. One by itself usually doesn't do the trick.


... me I think. I'm talking about myself.

Side: yes

Now that I think about it, I think a tear may have rolled down my face during Man on Fire. Not certain, though.

War movies? I haven't found those to be too emotional - Platoon, Full Metal Jacket, Apocalypse Now?

Side: yes
1 point

When I was 15.

I saw the movie Hardball with Keanu Reeves.

It was the little black boy, he was to small to play. Keanu was the coach and let him play in 1 game, and he hit the ball and made it to the base. He was so god damned proud! Then as him and his brother are walking home through the projects his little bro gets hit with a stray bullet and died, tears streaked down my face man.

Side: yes

Ah - the emotion! The love! The sorrow!

Regarding your fourteenth word on line four - and you call yourself a Christian? That is one of the only profanities I have not used on this site.

Side: yes

I've come close:

The massacre scene from Platoon

The thanksgiving scene from Antwone Fisher

The sixth and seventh season finale from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

There have been other close calls, but I've never done it.

Side: No
1 point

Never. Movies don't make me cry...............................

Side: No