
Debate Info

Yes No
Debate Score:17
Total Votes:17
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 Yes (9)
 No (4)

Debate Creator

usernamedood(84) pic

Have you ever donated to this site?

If so, why? If not, why not?


Side Score: 12


Side Score: 5
2 points

Yes because Andy threatened to ban me if I didn't.

Side: Yes
1 point


Side: Yes
2 points

Yeah, and he said if that wasn't motivation enough... he'd also break my legs.

Side: Yes

Yeah really. He even sent me over to hellno's house with a baseball bat to make sure he got the message.

Side: Yes

My time.

Side: Yes
1 point

Yes, every month! Why, because I don't get enough add click revenue.

Side: Yes
2 points

Would if I had the money myself! :P

Side: No
1 point

No because I don't like to donate money online so I usually make up for it by clicking ads!

Side: No
1 point

i don't have the money. :/ i don't even work. lol. :P but yeah. i don't have money. nor do i have any bank account. :P

Side: No
1 point

Isn't just coming on here enough,are you telling me andy isn't making enough all ready

Side: No
addltd(5125) Clarified
1 point

In the summer there is not enough add click revenue to cover costs. During the rest of the year it is about break even.

So, right now I don't make anything on the site.

Side: Yes