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Debate Score:19
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 Hellno is making other trolls look really bad. (14)

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lolzors93(3225) pic

Hellno is making other trolls look really bad.

Trolls are trolls, but this troll that was taught to troll terrifically turned to troll terrifyingly. ;)

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The thing is that Hellno is not a troll. He has the potential to argue effectively. He simply comments on things and jokes aroung. He doesnt troll debates at all but only comments.

1 point

The thing is that Hellno is not a troll.

I'm not? That's news to me.

He has the potential to argue effectively.

Mmmmm.... not really... I just scream obscenities at people until they block me or give up.

He simply comments on things and jokes aroung.

Fair enough,

He doesnt troll debates at all but only comments.

Damn! What I'm I doing wrong?

I'm not? That's news to me.

Lol compare Mic or Prod to you. There is a massive difference.

Mmmmm.... not really... I just scream obscenities at people until they block me or give up.

Lol. Well I am sure you can fester up something.

Damn! What I'm I doing wrong?

Do you want to be a troll?

2 points

I know, I know.... I've been a slacker lately... I promise to step it up. ;)

2 points


1 point

I know, right?!

1 point

Do you have evidence that he actually trolls people?

lolzors93(3225) Disputed
1 point

I told him that I'd make a debate complaining about the drama he makes. ;)