
Debate Info

I Admit It But Mein Frankfurter
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:3
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 I Admit It (1)
 But Mein Frankfurter (1)

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BurritoLunch(6566) pic

Here Is Civilisation's Conundrum

Weak, insecure and corrupt individuals seek power. Confident, secure people have no cause to pursue it.

Therefore, society is led by weak, insecure and corrupt individuals.

I Admit It

Side Score: 1

But Mein Frankfurter

Side Score: 1
0 points

Weak, insecure and corrupt individuals seek power.

AKA Leftists, which is why Conservatives are blocked by the left from academia, Hollywood, awards shows, public speaking etc.

Confident, secure people have no cause to pursue it.

AKA Conservatives

Therefore, society is led by weak, insecure and corrupt individuals.

You're literally a part of an ideology that brainwashes men to not be masculine.

Side: I Admit It
1 point

AKA Leftists

Banned, for trying to spin every sentence ever written by man into an attack against the left. You are an obsessed, political extremist lunatic Bronto. I have literally hundreds of your puppet accounts on my block list, but you still waste your own time (and mine) creating new ones so you can enter my debates without my consent and spew your lamentable white nationalist, pro-corporate, pro-authoritarian lies.

Get out you insane twat.

Side: But Mein Frankfurter
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