
Debate Info

Okay keep your guns No Finestin's will be done
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Okay keep your guns (3)

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warrior(1854) pic

Even though I do somewhat doubt it is a legitimate article, it is a good example of why guns don't kill, people kill.

Side: Okay keep your guns
1 point

did you click the "read more" button it takes you to a news stations website. i assure this artical is quite legit. i put the origional story in the desription as well.

Side: Okay keep your guns

The articles are irrelevant to me. I feel guns don't harm people, people with intent do. That's why violent murders like stabbings, brutal beatings, lynching, arson, hit and runs, drownings, I'm sorry the list is huge.

The point is people who want to murder will murder. If a gun is the easiest way why is that the fault of the people who want to keep them recreationally or just because they have the right to?

Let people keep their guns, if someone really wants to get a hold of one for illegal purposes, I doubt they'll acquire by legal means.

Side: Okay keep your guns
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