
Debate Info

Yes. No evidence opposed No. The gays voted
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Yes. No evidence opposed (4)
 No. The gays voted (2)

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TruthPrayer(26) pic

Homosexuality is a DSM mental disorder

There has never been evidence presented to justify the removal of homosexuality form the SSM, while frotterism remained. Gays voted to remove homosexuality, but not frotterism. Where is the evidence?

Yes. No evidence opposed

Side Score: 4

No. The gays voted

Side Score: 2
1 point

There is no scientific evidence to oppose homosexuality being a mental disorder. Dr. Evelyn Hooker did not present any and need did the student who was kicked out of school, the gay Havelock Ellis.

Side: Yes. No evidence opposed
1 point

Hello prayer:

I'll argue, but I need a little help.. I don't know what a DSM mental disorder is.. I don't know what the SSM is.. I don't know what frottersim is.. And, I don't know what evidence you're talking about is.

What I DO know, is there aren't enough gays in the country to pass ANYTHING.


PS> (edited) You're gonna have to hide your identity better than that, UNTRUTH..

Side: Yes. No evidence opposed
outlaw60(15368) Clarified
3 points

In 2016, an educated imam in Tunisia explained that while it may seem harsh, there is no ambiguity in Islam:

God is very straightforward about this — not we Muslims, not subjective, the Sharia is very clear about it, the punishment for homosexuality, bestiality or anything like that is death. We don’t make any excuses about that, it’s not our law — it's the Quran

So EXCON why is it you on the Left are told to support a religion that opposes your views on homosexuality ? Explain that can you ?

Side: Yes. No evidence opposed
1 point

Yeah, a person trying to hide his identity should not have truth in both names.

1. SSM

2. DSM

3. Frotterism

4. Evidence

I guess this is the wrong topic for you.

Let me help.

1. SSM is same sex marriage

2. DSM is diagnostic statistical manual

3. Frotterism received the same classification of 302 in the DSM, as homosexuality. It is a sexual attraction to furry things

4. Evidence is that thing that was not used to remove homosexuality as a disorder.

Did I help?

Side: Yes. No evidence opposed
excon(18261) Clarified
1 point

Hello again, Truth:

Yeah, you did.. Thanks.. Never heard of frotterism before..

So, maybe I can help you now.. You, yourself can file a lawsuit stating all that stuff IS a reason to repeal gay marriage... It might even be the suit that reaches the Supreme court and saves the country from the gays.

But, before you file suit, you have to show standing... That means before you can sue, you have to SHOW how YOU, personally, are damaged by all this gayness stuff.. Can you do that?


Side: Yes. No evidence opposed
1 point

Hello again,

All that you say may be true.. But to sue in court, you need to show how YOU YOURSELF are damaged by all the gayness around you.. I too, wonder how YOU YOURSELF are damaged.. Truly, I'd like to know..

Of course, THAT is what the Constitutional case turned on.. The litigants simply couldn't SHOW how THEY personally, were damaged..


Side: Yes. No evidence opposed
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