
Debate Info

This much That much
Debate Score:22
Total Votes:22
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 This much (5)
 That much (10)

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Hellno(17724) pic

How Much is Too Much?!

Number 5 in my Vague Debate Series


This much

Side Score: 5

That much

Side Score: 17

The fact that we are being taxed this much is to much, stop stealing our money!

Side: This much

If you have to ask, then you have too much .

Side: This much
1 point

This much. As in, this much of your vague debates.

Side: This much
Hellno(17724) Disputed
4 points

Haven't your learned anything... this sort of thing only encourages me to step it up! Expect more Vague Debates to come. Besides, it's better than "If you saw a Snail, would you Kill it?"

Side: That much
2 points

"Vague Debates" are at least better than hearing atheists cry fallacy in the religious debates. Don't let it go to your head, they're not that great.

Side: That much
1 point

I wouldn't kill the snail because it isn't a nice thing to do.

Side: That much
1 point


Supporting Evidence: Boxes (
Side: This much

Using heavy duty paper towels instead of conventional toilet paper .

Side: That much

Some places use laminated cardboard in restrooms now, so yeah, may want to bring your own.

Side: That much

laminated cardboard

Sounds painful .

Side: That much

Trying to figure out how much lube is needed either by saliva or man made chemicals in the bottle.

Side: That much