
Debate Info

They were Colored They were White
Debate Score:31
Total Votes:37
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 They were Colored (6)
 They were White (9)

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Kazerian2001(394) pic

How did The Eyptians look

In media Egyptians were white. In my opinion tmoot would Be colored due to hot temperatures.

i just want to see your opinion.

They were Colored

Side Score: 16

They were White

Side Score: 15

They had light brown skin. Judging from wall paintings they were kind of between an Arab and a black person which would make because even though Egypt is in Africa they had lots of Asiatics who migrated their and mixed in.

Side: They were Colored
3 points

They were dark and they also looked like aliens...

They used to do head-binding, which would give them elongated skulls. That explains how those silly hats stayed on their heads.

Side: They were Colored
2 points

I bet they must've been highly intelligent too! Especially the way their heads are shaped. They'd automatically have bigger brains.

Side: They were Colored
Intangible(4934) Disputed
1 point

Just because you have a bigger brain does not mean you'll be smarter

Side: They were White
3 points

I don't know... But they walked like this:






Wow... That looked so much better when I was typing it....

Side: They were Colored

How could have egyptians been white when they lived in Africa. They lived in the desert, a super hot desert, with the sun straight in your face. No way they were white. It's science.

The hotter the climate, the hotter the inhabitant.

Side: They were Colored

As you can see by their features they were not European.

Plus, they lived in weather that got over 120 degrees Fahrenheit. You can't be white in that weather, your skin will fry up. Only people with dark skin can survive those temperatures!

Side: They were Colored
Stickers(1037) Disputed
1 point

Well..... Maybe not survive, just not thrive .

Side: They were White
Hellno(17724) Banned
4 points

with their eyes

Side: They were White
J-Roc77(70) Banned
1 point

Beat me too it.... When asked how I feel I sometimes respond 'with my hands'.

Side: They were White
1 point

They were white.

Side: They were White

Egyptians were Caucasian but they were prone to sunburn. Cleopatra looked pretty.

Side: They were White