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gold backed cryptocurrency algorithmic stablecoin
Debate Score:1
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 gold backed cryptocurrency (1)

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BenMilo(2) pic

How do I reclaim gold backed cryptocurrency for physical gold?

Stablecoins being one of the most popular cryptocurrencies which are backed by real-world assets, gold backed cryptocurrencies are nothing but coins that are underpinned by the value of gold. This means, the coins have an intrinsic value and are less prone to price volatility which other cryptocurrencies lack. 

Now, if you ask is it possible to reclaim your gold backed cryptocurrency for actual physical gold, yes it is. There are two ways for that. First is, you can directly reclaim by passing the necessary KYC/AML procedures after which the gold will be shipped to the specified address. Second is, you can reclaim for gold derivations. The derivations either track the price of gold or reclaim themselves for physical gold. If you want to develop your own gold backed stablecoin and attain these benefits, get in touch with a reliable stablecoin development company.

gold backed cryptocurrency

Side Score: 1

algorithmic stablecoin

Side Score: 0
1 point

How do I reclaim gold backed cryptocurrency for physical gold?

Hello ben:

If you bought gold WITHOUT taking physical possession of it, you'll NEVER get possession of it. That would be NEVER.. Bummer for you.


Side: gold backed cryptocurrency
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