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 How do you envision the end of the world? (7)

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joecavalry(40131) pic

How do you envision the end of the world?

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When it happens, the people around you will be like, "Get you camera out man, you know you want to." ;)

1 point

This is totally accurate. There was that meteor in Russia and everyone got injured from glass because they all looked out the window.

1 point

"Putting metal in my microwave so I go out with a bang!"

1 point

"Putting my baby in the oven so he'll be front of the queue for heaven."

1 point

"Gonna rape my dog because YOLO!"


1 point

"We are gonna bomb the world!" #hopeNSAreadsthis

1 point

End of human life? We poison ourselves. Or evolve into post humans

End of all life on earth? Big freeze

End of planet? Sucked into a black hole