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 How to Get Boring Homework Done (9)

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How to Get Boring Homework Done

ever have trouble finishing homewok ? do you feel you'd ratherwatch tv or play video games? or do you take a while to get your brain ready for this ritualistic mental task?

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3 points

Normally when I have an essay that I'ld rather not do, I google it and nearly always the first result is some yahooanswers page where some american person has had the exact same assignment as me.

Side: YahooAnswers
1 point

Sit before the TV. Switch it on... Place the homework before you and write whatever comes on your way and hope that it isn't bizarre.

Side: YahooAnswers
mimi(129) Disputed
1 point

mum and dad don't let me to do this they say that i should do my duty and than i can play

Side: YahooAnswers
1 point

That is bad. Maybe you should listen to some music. You can have breaks between your work and listen to a song during each break.

Side: YahooAnswers

Do your homework with a friend. :)

The minimum length for an argument is 50 characters. The purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes, so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible.

Side: YahooAnswers
mimi(129) Disputed
1 point

i can't work in pairs because i don't trust of them . they spend all the time playing.....

Side: YahooAnswers
2 points

I understand what you mean. I would then have to say to watch tv and then do your homework during the commercial. If you can pause your television, do like two or three questions a commercial.

But the best way in my opinion is just finish it all at once and then watch tv. And know that you don't have do your hw during commercials.

hmmmmmmmmmm i think i GOT IT! You lack motivation do your homework. (not to sound rude). Struck a deal with your mother and father and say, if i get an A on my homework, can i get five dollars, or ten dollars. Or something that really motivates you.

Side: YahooAnswers