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I agree with this No way
Debate Score:24
Total Votes:30
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 I agree with this (5)
 No way (5)

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TheCray(5) pic

Huge, unnoticed, permanent sexism against men

I'm sure all of you have seen the so-called misogyny on the media, but I wanted to talk about sexism against men this time. There's a huge amount of people who think men don't have feelings and think that men have to be walking soulless rocks. A man can't be emotional in public, can't cry when bad things happen and sometimes has to limit the happiness he shows, just for the fear of being judged.

This is all too supported by "feminists" that don't really want equality, they want men to be inferior, they also believe that men have no heart.

While I do feel, think, and have a heart, I'm afraid to show it in public. I'm sure many do. I know that I will be judged if I, say, show my poetry to the public or that I admit to listening to romantic songs, or even if I hug my female friends once in a while. To aboud being thought a pussy, or even gay(nothing against gay people, but I simply am not) I have to act sexist, perverted and heartless to not be judged by society.

What do you think?

I agree with this

Side Score: 13

No way

Side Score: 11
4 points

I don't think you can authoritatively say that one sex is more privileged than the other. But that's far from meaning that there is no gender discrimination.

Men and women are still highly stereotyped in popular perception. It's true that there are biological and psychological differences between men and women, but popular pseudo-science exaggerates these differences and uses them to impose rules and expectations on people.

Feminism does play a role in perpetuating gender discrimination, though they're not the only guilty party. A lot of feminists harp on about women this, women that, thus reinforcing gender distinction. Even the term "feminism" is sexist. Why fight on behalf of females only?

I applaud first- and second-wave feminism - back then women were not merely considered inferior, they were a non-factor. This is obvious in sexist language: "mankind" referred to all of humanity, as if non-men simply didn't need to be taken into account. Hence it was necessary for historical feminists to draw particular attention to women, bring them into the limelight so to speak, so that people are aware that they are actually a group that needs to be considered.

But this task is now over. Everyone is aware of the significance of women's rights, even if they disagree as to exactly what that encompasses. Modern Western feminism shouldn't be "feminism", but "anti-sexism" - fighting to eliminate gender stereotypes and barriers that affect all people, not just females.

And let's not forget transsexuals and intersexuals - people who are neither men nor women. They suffer significantly more discrimination than either men or women.

Side: I agree with this
3 points

Latest news about gender-equalization in Denmark: The opposition wants to make a law that at least 40% of all managers should be women. Lol.

Side: Rant against feminism
1 point

In all honesty most feminists aren't for equality, they just want more for women. Women are always talking about men and making jokes which would be termed sexist if the ball was on their court. The reason men don't complain is because we really don't care. We're not as insecure and don't get upset about these boring jokes. We don't get sand in our vaginas about it. That's about it.

Side: I agree with this
Liddy(36) Disputed
1 point

Yep, your choice in SN suits you just fine... BTW, you're boring.

Side: NO WAY
1 point

The feminist movement has created an anti-man and anti-boy environment. The result of this has been boys and young men falling far behind girls and women in graduating high school and college by 20% and growing.

Side: I agree with this
4 points

Show me a feminist who supports the perpetuation of this machismo stereotype over supporting men who allow themselves to think and feel, and I'll show you a woman who is lying to herself. After all, isn't saying that all feminists support this stereotype for their own selfish gain just perpetuating another social stigma?

This goes beyond societal demands for conformity and comes down to the individual and how comfortable they are with themselves. Once you allow yourself to let go and show the world who you truly are, I think you'd be surprised how many others out there are just like you.

Side: NO WAY
3 points

While I agree that there absolutely is pressure on men to behave a certain stereotypical way, I can't agree at all with your decision to conform.

The people who would judge you for being yourself aren't the people you want to hang around you anyway.

Be yourself - let the haters worry about being fake.

Side: I agree with this
1 point

Ummm... Hello! I'm a woman living in a mans world and have to deal with sexism all the time. Men are always paid more in the work place no matter how much more intelligent the woman may be, enough said and enough of the BS. Time for equality!

Side: NO WAY
Liddy(36) Disputed
1 point

Oh, and PS, it's the majority of men who think that men shouldn't express their feelings, emotions, etc. and call other men "fags" who like poetry. Women WANT men to show their softer side, in fact we advocate for that all the damn time! So I don't know where you get that it's women who think men shouldn't show these things...

Side: I agree with this
0 points

Someone who is familiar with the effects of misogyny would recognize its negative impact on men as being part of the problem. A 'feminist' who consciously or subconsciously wishes to enforce stereotypes for either sex is not a feminist because they are not pursuing equality.

Side: NO WAY