
Debate Info

Pretty much, yeah Unjustifiable list starts here
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:8
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 Pretty much, yeah (4)
 Unjustifiable list starts here (1)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40163) pic

Humans can justify just about anything.

If this statement is not true, then.....

How could the Holocaust have happened?

How can terrorist justify killing innocent children?

Pretty much, yeah

Side Score: 6

Unjustifiable list starts here

Side Score: 1

Just look back in history at the list of atrocities we have been able to commit because we justified our actions.







All of these things have happened in our history and most of them still happen. Weather the justification be economic, religious or just "everyone else is doing" humans find a way.

Side: Pretty much, yeah
2 points

I submit as evidence the Milgram experiment

Supporting Evidence: People are shit. (
Side: Pretty much, yeah

Haha, yeah I've heard of that one. This article cites that experiment as well as four more that are equally depressing.

Supporting Evidence: 5 psycological experiments that prove humanity is doomed (
Side: Pretty much, yeah

That's why defense attorneys are so damned good.

Side: Pretty much, yeah

How can you justify taking a "reserved for expectant mothers" parking spot? You can't! Wait.... I think I did justify it here: Best_invention_ever

Side: Unjustifiable list starts here