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Hadrian(483) pic

I am a proud graduate of the World Toilet College.

It was a toss up. The World Toilet College or Japan's Public Toilet Maintenance Institute. I went with the world class clean-up crew at World Toilet College.  Now, I am among the physically fit toilet cleaners who have earned the title: Restroom Specialist.

I truly yearn to help promote the world-class leading culture of toilets. My fervid, nay fetid dream is to some day soon be able to attend a World Toilet Summit & Expo.

World Toilet Summit 2001, Singapore
The official launch of World Toilet Organization.
Theme: "Our Toilets - The Past, The Present and The Future".

World Toilet Summit 2002, Korea
Hosted by the Suwon City Toilet Association and Korean Clean Toilet Association.
Theme: "New Beginning for the 21st Century Toilet".

World Toilet Summit 2003, Taiwan
Taiwan Toilet Association and Japan Toilet Association
Theme: Tourist and Mountain Toilets

And so on.

At the very least, I can help observe the World Toilet Day next November 19th. How does one celebrate World Toilet Day?

How about "The Big Squat"?

At exactly noon on November 19th, gather your family, friends, classmates, colleagues and everyone you know to squat in public for 1 minute in support of World Toilet Day.

This drives home the point "where would you go?" and how people without toilets are forced to go in public places.

Students and teachers enjoy World Toilet Day by:
* Viewing of The Adventures of Super Toilet, a fun and important online comic.
* Viewing of funny video about public urination. It's Pee-larious!
* Demonstration by teachers on proper use and cleaning of toilet.

How to help:
* Download and attach the World Toilet Day bubble to your Facebook profile photo. (Check out this bubble too!)
* Join the World Toilet Day Facebook fan page.

Learn these fun facts.
* In 2003, rural Vietnamese rated a TV and a karaoke set as more important than a toilet!

OK, that's all I learned.

But hey. Restroom Specialist! WhooHooo!

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