
Debate Info

This kind. Silly wabbit.
Debate Score:13
Total Votes:17
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 This kind. (5)
 Silly wabbit. (2)

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Sitar(3680) pic

I wonder what kind of arrogant fool thinks he has the right 2 force religion on gays.

This kind.

Side Score: 11

Silly wabbit.

Side Score: 2
2 points

Fromwithin -------------------------------------->

Please see stupid the right ---------------------->

Side: This kind.
-1 points

I agree totally. That is why Christians actually try to stand up for their faith and not cater Gay wedding receptions or other events that go against their faith.

Christians would NEVER be so insecure and arrogant to force Gays Businesses to cater a Christian event.

Side: Silly wabbit.
3 points

You still haven't ever provided evidence that Christianity requires that Christians not provide services (that have been payed for) for homosexuals. Clearly Christians don't discriminate against all sinners, so where in the Bible requires Christians refuse service to homosexuals?

Christians would NEVER be so insecure and arrogant to force Gays Businesses to cater a Christian event.

No, only insecure and arrogant enough to prevent homosexuals from marrying, denying them their rights.

Side: This kind.
32834(10) Disputed
1 point

Christians are going to make a gay wedding cake when you threaten to arrest them, if not that is there freedom of religion and they can be shut down. In fact, most churches allow gay marriage.

Side: This kind.