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Debate Score:10
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 Ideas... (8)

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MKIced(2511) pic


Let me know what you think about this.  Be completely candid.

Since this is techincally a social networking site, would it be a good idea to add different social networking features?  All debate-related of course...

- Live instant messaging between two members. (IMs)

- Private messages to other members. (PMs)

- (Stolen from JC) A way to see who's online right now at any time.


Maybe come up with your own ideas?

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I don't think huge changes should be made that drastically change the feel or usage of the too much, but some change would be okay, and some things in particular would be cool.

Instant Messaging - This would be a better way to talk with people who are online, but I'm not sure that this would need to be limited to "allies" like how Facebook's chat system is limited to "friends," although that may be a good idea. Sending messages between two online people as of now is a little bit clumsy and slow.

Private Messages - If it's that private, email would work best, but I guess there could be an option to make a message private or something. I just think that would cause getting more mad at each other, maybe.

Online List - Yes, this would be cool. I've always wanted something like this. Although it really wouldn't be that useful until some kind of real-time instant messaging system is available or something else that requires the other party being online.

Side: Good Ideas
2 points

Word has it that something new is coming soon.

I hear it is a "host of new administration capabilities for power users", what ever that means. That's what loudacris told me.

Side: Good Ideas

Yeah I like those. BTW, you know how they have these "someone sent you a..." whatever on facebook and/or MySpace? We could have something like that. "So and so just threw a pie at your head. The food fight's on bitches!" ;)

Side: Good Ideas
1 point

Oh yeah. I used to participate in that. Not as fun as it sounds. Although I always had notifications because I was in a Superpoke war with a friend... :)

Side: Good Ideas
1 point

Yes! I am for all of those.

"- Live instant messaging between two members. (IMs)" That could mean instant messaging debates between two members. That would be cool.

I would really like to see who all is online, and maybe you could edit the settings. Like which allies/enemies are online.

Of course these are all easier said than done.

Side: Good Ideas
1 point

I wouldn't mind if it had all those, however, I can see a problem arise if they exist. Mostly that, when I'm chatting with people, I pay less attention to stuff like this and if I start typing a response, I end up paying more attention to the chatter and not my response and end up all over the place, taking 30 minutes to type a paragraph that doesn't even say what I intended it to say. Plus, I may also end up having my debates with just one person in a chat instead of in the forums, and I think it would be that way with most the people. However, I am for the idea of personal email on here (ya know, like facebook).

Side: Good Ideas
1 point

Private messages would be good, that way you can discuss things privately without creating an entire private debate (how many times can I say a form of "private" in one sentence? >_>). IM would be okay, but could lead to some debates that are terribly unintelligent, not to mention disgraces to the English language....

I'm pretty apathetic to the "online now" option...whatever you guys want is cool.

Side: Good Ideas
1 point


But then people would develop relationships (in whatever form they take).

That could effect debating.

Side: Good Ideas