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Darth Maul is a lord No
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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 Darth Maul is a lord (3)
 No (2)

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t-roy(362) pic

If Darth Maul was in Lord of the Rings would he win?

Darth Maul is a lord

Side Score: 7


Side Score: 5
3 points

I'm assuming that Darth Maul would be taking the place of Frodo on his quest. Darth Maul's lightsaber is far superior to any weaponry found in middle earth. He could easily get into Mount Doom and destroy the ring. However, I do wonder if he would be able to withstand the power of the ring. That could be his downfall.

Side: Darth Maul is a lord
2 points

Darth Maul is a Sith legacy that will live on far longer than you, he would simply walk into Mordor and not care. He would win because he is at least 12.976% cooler than most LOTR characters. Also he has a red lightsaber and all LOTR characters are scared of the color red.

Side: Darth Maul is a lord
2 points

Given his abilities, it is hard to consider a single character in LOTR that Darth Maul would not be able to defeat. Perhaps Smaug.

Side: Darth Maul is a lord
IAmSparticus(1516) Clarified
1 point

The Ainur Morgoth might have something to say about that.

For that matter many of the Maiar would too.

While Maul did demonstrate some impressive swordsmanship, his abilities with the Force were all but non-existent. When faced with an opponent with abilities similar to the Force, he'd be effectively helpless. So if he tried to fight what are essentially a God and some demi-God's, he wouldn't stand a chance.

Plus, as you said, dragons.

Side: Darth Maul is a lord
Cuaroc(8829) Clarified
2 points

Except in the Clone Wars t.v show Maul is shown to be quite powerful in the force.

Side: Darth Maul is a lord

If he decided to fully embrace Morgoth then perhaps. He'd practically be a smaller Valaraukar already. But he wasn't a servent of Morgoth then his ideology would naturally drive him to the ring, which he would be unable to withstand due to his inherent lust for power (as per the code of the Sith) and the manipulative force of Sauron's soul.

So basically, he'd be a pawn for Morgoth one way or another. So no.

Edit: The real question should be if Darth Sidious would win if he was in Middle Earth, as he might posses the means to resist the ring. Then again, he might not, since the only person who could was Tom Bombadil and they are nothing alike.

Side: No
1 point

This is probably being too picky but I'm assuming by him being in the LOTR fantasy that he would be bound by the parameters of that fiction. In LOTR indeed there is magic, and there is battle prowess, but there is no "Force". Assuming that magic is not the same as the Force then his only real abilities are his physical prowess. He would be formidable indeed, but the ultimate power of any Jedi or Sith is from manipulating the Force so he would lose his primary advantage. And on the flip side, if we assume magic and the Force are one and the same then I'd say the powers of other LOTR characters are far more effective then in manipulating the Force then Maul was.

Side: No