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 If GW is real then why did the Global Cooling Deniers change the name to Climate Change? (6)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

If GW is real then why did the Global Cooling Deniers change the name to Climate Change?

It used to be called Global Warming but then they data didn't quite pan out so they changed the name to Climate Change.

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What I like about the Global Cooling Deniers is the people they have on their side, like Al Gore, and their cool visual aids ;)

For all we know, the planet has a fever ;)

1 point

"Climate Change" is more neutral, it can go in any direction.

So that in 15 to 20 years when it's global freezing [again] they can say "told ya so". l:

Side: its neutral
1 point

They are just covering their bases if they are wrong. Evidence is showng that their theory may be wrong so they are going to say the the earth is cooling because of CO2.

Side: covering their bases
Mahollinder(900) Disputed
0 points

They are just covering their bases if they are wrong. Evidence is showng that their theory may be wrong so they are going to say the the earth is cooling because of CO2.

What evidence is that?

Side: covering their bases
0 points

No, it's still Global Warming Joe.

Before the science was accurate, we were in a small cooling cycle, which happens even when the globe is warming since it warms and cools and a scale of tens of thousands of years. Then when more data was accumulated they changed it to Climate change.

Today the science is quite accurate, instead of on a scale of a couple of decades, we can measure temperatures on scales of hundreds of thousands of years, practically to when the whole thing began.

Hence we know with certainty that the Earth is indeed warming, and at an accelerated rate which can only be attributed to thickening of the Green House gasses in the atmosphere... or CO2

You see, how normal people operate, is given new evidence, they change their position on subjects :/

I mean, by the logic of "well it used to be called one thing, but now another, so therefore it must not be true."

You must believe the Earth is still flat as well...

Side: Global Warming silly

Wait...., are you saying that the Earth has gone through cycles of warming and cooling? Cause that's what I'm saying ;)

Today the science is quite accurate, instead of on a scale of a couple of decades, we can measure temperatures on scales of hundreds of thousands of years, practically to when the whole thing began.

Are you saying that we have perfected time travel and we can send someone back in time to record the temperature hundreds of thousands of years ago? ;)

Side: Global Warming silly