
Debate Info

Duh, I knew all along WHAT?!?
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:17
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 Duh, I knew all along (2)
 WHAT?!? (4)

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johnbonham32(2429) pic

If you found out that God was real, how would you react to that fact?

Duh, I knew all along

Side Score: 6


Side Score: 5
3 points

I guess the biggest problem mankind has tackling, is believing in what we can not see. Scientists tell us that in our home we are never moe than 6 feet away from a spider but we could in fact prove them wrong on many occasions. We all choose and pick what we believe in. If I actually had proof that God exists I would feel such relief because I would know my acts of Faith were never in vain.

I once read a book that went into detail about this really beautiful, glowing fish, in the deepest parts of the ocean that noone can travel to, well why was this fish made, simply because it is something Jesus set aside to enjoy for himself, well what do you think we were given our hearts and souls for, those amazing feelings of pain, joy, and long suffering.

I believe they are qualities the Jesus placed in us to enjoy, noone can see your feelings,, scientists try to discredit the strength behind them by telling us its all in the mind, well my thoery is when you are hurting or scared you do not feel it in the mind, you feel it in your Gut, you hold your chest when you cry out in suffering not your head, I would be blessed to see God, and I would make sure he knew I would never eat that apple. LOL

Side: Duh, I knew all along
3 points

There is no such thing as absolute god but there are other minor gods who are enlightened :D

Side: Duh, I knew all along

I'd be like, "Oh...., Hi...., Uh...., you seem like the kind of God that has a sense of humor...., right? I mean...., all those jokes...., I was only kidding. No hard feelings...., right? Gulp!" ;)

Side: WHAT?!?
0 points

I would freak the fuck out.

Side: WHAT?!?
-2 points
0 points

no reason for a down vote here.

Side: WHAT?!?