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Debate Score:18
Total Votes:23
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misterwasuu(11) pic

If Israel attacks Iran should Israel be punished

Israel, Iran, political, war


Side Score: 11


Side Score: 7
4 points

Any country that launches an unprovoked attack on another should be punished. There's no excuse for Israel to attack Iran. Israel won't attack Iran because it knows that would be the start of a new world war. Even though the US probably would back Israel, a new era of war would spread as countries took sides. That might be punishment enough, because Israel would be decimated in the end.

Side: Yes
IgorDerysh(35) Disputed
3 points

In theory, you're right. However, all it takes for a country's misdeeds to go unpunished is to have a friend in a high place.

How can Israel be punished, by the United Nations or any international body, with the United States on their side if no organization can do anything about the genocide in Darfur because China is blocking any United Nations sanctions?

Supporting Evidence: Why China Won't Save Darfur (
Side: United Nations
2 points

First of all no of all no offensive country shall go unpunished.

Second war is not a solution.

Third there's no evidence to support that Iran has military nuclear program. All IAEA reports reflects that.

Fourth while Iran has signed NPT and has no nuclear weapons, Israel refuses to sign NPT and continue to maintain, develop and expand its nuclear arsenal.

Fifth even with nuclear weapons Iran can't be a threat to Israel since it has necessary strategic capability to deploy them.

Iraq has been subjected to inhuman sanctions and finally war under the same bogus pretext but it hasn't any WMD. Sanctions on Iran has been the cause of at least one child death. Israel wants to attack Iran because it's protesting against atrocities Israel is committing on Palestinians - read this report by Amnesty International.

Side: Yes
1 point

Iran has called for the destruction of Israel. Nuclear weapons make that far easier. Israel only wants to destroy the nuclear facilities to prevent a possible disaster for them.

Side: No
ProPales789(3) Disputed
2 points

You are absolutley a idiot my friend , your what you called a Zionist jew. If you read the TORAH does it not say that the jews cannot have there own land until the prophet returns. So why are you supporting this Legit Terrorist country you call Israel.

Side: yes
ProPales789(3) Disputed
2 points

You are absolutley a idiot my friend , your what you called a Zionist jew. If you read the TORAH does it not say that the jews cannot have there own land until the prophet returns. So why are you supporting this Legit Terrorist country you call Israel.

Side: yes
1 point

No country should be punished by others for exercising sovereignty over themselves!

Side: No
-1 points

Not if Israel attacks Iran only to destroy a military, nuclear facility. I mean, Iran has already stated that they only want nuclear power. So, if they build a nuclear facility for military purposes, then the little Shiite (Mahmoud Ahmadinejad) would have been caught lying to US. And in this world it is not, "Liar, liar pants on fire" it's "Liar, liar your nuclear facility on fire!" ;)

Side: No