
Debate Info

Knowledge is power Ignorance is easy
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:10
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 Knowledge is power (4)
 Ignorance is easy (2)

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marinabelot(5) pic

If ignorance is bliss, why do we seek knowledge?

Knowledge is power

Side Score: 6

Ignorance is easy

Side Score: 4

i already have a debate about this and thus will be my argument if_knowledge_is_power_3

Knowledge is power, that is why we seek it, ignorance is not true bliss.

Side: Knowledge is power

You know, I'm not even sure why you posted both of these statements. "Knowledge is power" and "Ignorance is easy".

These are statements that pretty much everyone agrees with.

Side: Knowledge is power

Because ignorance is not bliss.

Side: Knowledge is power
1 point

although i agree with the other statement i agree with this one as well. these really arent contradicting

ignorance is bliss because if you don't know better than doing something right or wrong wont have any affect on your conscience. if a baby breaks a vase you aren't gonna yell at your baby your conscience says that is wrong.

but we seek knowledge because it is the goal of our life the more you know the better you feel. even if you say its hard you will love it anyways because your goal in life is for your brain to be filled. but with knowledge comes a conscience of what is right and wrong and with goes away your bliss because with those comes guilt and pleasure and you seek and run from these an this is why both statments are right

Side: Knowledge is power

You speak of the quote: "Ignorance is bliss, tis folly to be wise"

But really the quote is entirely dependent on each person. Some people prefer to live in a delusion. Some people prefer the truth, even if it is cold and disappointing. It takes more work to be knowledgeable than to be ignorant.

I prefer the truth, regardless of whether it is a satisfying truth or a cold unsatisfying one.

I fail to understand how people would rather live a lie in ignorance, than live with knowledge of the truth.

Side: Ignorance is easy
1 point

People don't seek knowledge. People seek what they want to find, which is ignorance.

Side: Ignorance is easy