
Debate Info

Second coming, Yay!!! No end to the world, Yay!
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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 Second coming, Yay!!! (5)
 No end to the world, Yay! (2)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

If the bible is true and we do not want the world to end, shouldn't we destroy Israel?

The bible says that (before the second coming / before the end of the world) the state of Israel needs to be created and that the third Jewish temple needs to be rebuilt on the temple mount where the sacred, Arab, dome of the rock currently resides.

So if we don't want the end of the world to occur, we should destroy Israel and keep them from building the third temple on top of the dome of the rock.

On the other hand, if you want the second coming to happen, we should destroy whatever is left of Palestine, including the dome of the rock, and rebuild the third temple.

So which side are you on?

Second coming, Yay!!!

Side Score: 6

No end to the world, Yay!

Side Score: 3

It really doesn't matter which side I pick because in both cases, the world burns. Israel has nukes and will use them to prevent its destruction. And if Palestine falls, the world will end with the second coming. I just want to watch the world burn ;)

But I chose this side because if the second coming does happen, I would love to see the faces on the atheists ;)

Side: Second coming, Yay!!!
1 point

I dont want the world to end ever! I believe in God, and I believe that he'll never destroy the world!

Side: Second coming, Yay!!!
1 point

The second coming will occur at the time that god has decided no action we take hear on earth can speed up or delay its coming .

Side: Second coming, Yay!!!
1 point

So if we don't want the end of the world to occur, we should destroy Israel and keep them from building the third temple on top of the dome of the rock.

Good luck trying to destroy Israel because however many times you kill some of their people they will go back and kill 2x the amount plus they have a really good army and they have good technology as in weapons that are really powerful plus God would protect Israel because its God's chosen people live there. So again I say good luck.

So which side are you on?

I am for Israel all the way!

Side: Second coming, Yay!!!
2 points

So if we don't want the end of the world to occur, we should destroy Israel and keep them from building the third temple on top of the dome of the rock.

Good luck trying to destroy Israel because however many times you kill some of their people they will go back and kill 2x the amount plus they have a really good army and they have good technology as in weapons that are really powerful plus God would protect Israel because its God's chosen people live there. So again I say good luck.

So which side are you on?

I am for Israel all the way!

Side: No end to the world, Yay!

I think you want to be on that <--- side. You want the second coming to happen. You want Israel to build the third temple. You want the end of the world ;)

This side is for those people who do not want the world to end. Who do not want the third temple. Who do not want the second coming.

Side: No end to the world, Yay!
1 point

Yeah I noticed what I did wrong but now I can't really switch.

Side: Second coming, Yay!!!