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Debate Score:40
Total Votes:43
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 If you could make anyone President - Who would it be? (10)

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Nautilus(629) pic

If you could make anyone President - Who would it be?

If you could make any person president of the United States of America, alive or dead, real or fictional, who would it be and why?

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8 points

Yep. George Carlin.


7 points

Charlie Sheen for no other reason than the fact that it would be hysterical.

4 points



3 points

just for the lol's .

5 points

I'd cast my vote for Carlin as well.


Side: George Carlin
4 points

I'd put George Carlin in, he is an amazing thinker whose views and knowledge of the world are something I would like to, but probably never will, see in a president.

Side: George Carlin
4 points

I wish he were still alive. We could really use him right now.


Side: George Carlin
3 points

I'd have to agree with George Carlin for president and Charlie Sheen for Vice.

Side: George Carlin
1 point

Garry77777, because then the world would be perfect because he knows everything. There would be double rainbows in every yard, we wouldn't need cars because we could just ride our magical unicorns to work... actually we would even have to work because the government would provide everything we wanted... Everyone in the world would love one another and live in peace and Gary's great wisdom could answer any question... even if he couldn't he would simply make the answer up and it would magically become true... cancer would be cured, everyone would be Muslim and the new word for bliss would be iran... everyone would have a pot of gold and live in iran for the rest of their lives.

Side: George Carlin

I would make Jane Fonda President because she is so intelligent and she would be against war.

Side: George Carlin