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 If you love Women but Most Women Don't like you, should you give up? (6)

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dobelSoboel3(187) pic

If you love Women but Most Women Don't like you, should you give up?

I'm male age early 30s. I've never had a GF and it doesn't seem like i will.

I'm a calm nice person but most women out there( Meaning women you meet in public places and stuff and courses and dance classes etc) are always looking for a talkative confident and successful man. I'm none of that, I have speech problems and brain problems so i don't have things to say. I always seen how women always go for the talkative guys or the playboy types.


In Any case, Doesn't seem women will ever like me for a serious relationship because I do not possess any of the qualities that women like. For example I'm childish and don't have adult level speaking skills. What woman wants that? none.

And it doesn't help that whenever i go downtown I always see so many hot beauties.. It just makes me sad , very sad cause i feel I will never have one that likes me.


Being that it's 99% chance that no woman wil ever like me, should i just give up?


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Your debates are taking up a substantial portion of my wall. This is likely to continue if someone doesn't do anything about it. So I will. For your sake, for others on this site, and if we're being honest (and we are), for mine.

This is probably not the best place to divulge your deepest, most troubling emotional problems. If you haven't noticed, CD is rather lacking in psychiatrists/sympathetic employers/anyone who could do more for you than a virtual pat on the back. Please, have a good sift through other debates and see if you want to participate. If you don't, I guarantee there are more appropriate websites for you to seek out.

1 point

If you love Women but Most Women Don't like you, should you give up?

Welcome to being a dude. We all love women, the vast majority of women don't like most of us. Quit bitching about it and man up.

I'm male age early 30s. I've never had a GF and it doesn't seem like i will.

You may have to lower your standards significantly. Also, consider changing your look. I don't know what you look like but I'm imagining something a bit frightening. That said, get yourself to at least look not-scarry, and there is probably a chubby homely chick somewhere who will put up with you.

I'm a calm nice person but most women out there( Meaning women you meet in public places and stuff and courses and dance classes etc) are always looking for a talkative confident and successful man. I'm none of that, I have speech problems and brain problems so i don't have things to say. I always seen how women always go for the talkative guys or the playboy types.

Smile, be more self-confident, shit, read a self-help book if you have to (but don't tell anybody). Confidence sounds like your main personality problem. Forget the successful/ talkative stuff you seem to be focused on. I'll bet without seeing you it's more about how you carry yourself in public.

In Any case, Doesn't seem women will ever like me for a serious relationship because I do not possess any of the qualities that women like. For example I'm childish and don't have adult level speaking skills. What woman wants that? none.

Stop talking than (I offer this advice to you in another debate, consider it seriously, I'm not kidding). Next, this is more of the self-confidence thing. Fake self-confidence even if you don't feel it. Stop looking for a serious relationship too. It's weird. Guys are supposed to look for pussy. Look for pussy, be confident and some chick somewhere will trap you in a relationship eventually if you let her.

And it doesn't help that whenever i go downtown I always see so many hot beauties.. It just makes me sad , very sad cause i feel I will never have one that likes me.

On a serious note, I notice this in a lot of guys as they get older and fail at relationships they begin to distance themselves from women, almost like they are another species, or objects instead of people. You need to figure out a way to cure yourself of the objectification I sort of sense in you from you debates. Girls pick up on it like Jedis and will avoid you like a disease if they sense it.

Being that it's 99% chance that no woman wil ever like me, should i just give up?

You don't know the percents. Don't give up. Consider some of my advice and look up online resources for this sort of thing. Make sure it's male advice to males, no Operah bullshit or Cosmo, those magazines are full of crap.

Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

He needs to give up. Love is a joke. ;'(

1 point

Yes. Give up before you get hurt. Do NOT make my mistake. I have gotten hurt too fucking many times.

Look at the bright side, maybe you two were made for each other. Yay! ;)

Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

No thank you. I am not interested. I am done. ;'(