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 Impotent/Sexually INjured men should forget Sex and just move on (1)

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dobelSoboel3(187) pic

Impotent/Sexually INjured men should forget Sex and just move on

I myself had an injury and i can't have sex. possibly ever because it hurts very badly. I have semi impotence too   but more than that my impotence is the kind where i can't have sex because contact causes extreme pain. this is as opposedt o impotence due to bad blood flow. or psychological. Mine really has no solution.

But whether injured phsyically or it's impotence due to bad blood flow or psychological reasons, men with impotence often don't have any cure to have a normal sex life and yet we have the internal desire...But since our bodies don't work anymore, what's the point?


By wanting and desiring sex more, we'll just feel sadder cause we know we can never have it.

Is it better to keep dreaming of sex even though you can't, or is it just better to give up and focus on something else?

male in my 30s , got injured mid 20s and have been in pain since.

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Sex is natural, so before I even give my opinion, its impossible to forget about it. We are technically animals. Humans reproduce through sex so without thought, a human is born to breed more humans, its something that can' be forgotten as long as the human race plans on surviving. As long as you are healthy in terms of whether or not sex can actually kill you, it's going to be a part of your life. And as far as I know, sex doesn't threaten your life until you're in old age.

But if it were possible to forget sex, the right thing to do would be to forget about if you were in fact, sexually impotent. It'll only slow you down. There is nothing worse than wasting your time on something unachievable.

But giving up sex wouldn't be such a bad thing. Seeing as though sex is a major part of any human's life, if you were one of the few to actually give it up, you could focus on other things and excel in whatever those things may be. There are people who roam this world right now, young and old, who don't plan on having sex ever. Doesn't mean they won't satisfy themselves in other ways but by doing so, they really can focus on other things they're passionate about. It not a bad idea when you think about it.

Side: It'd be best to move on