
Debate Info

Yes No Way
Debate Score:17
Total Votes:17
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 Yes (6)
 No Way (7)

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SoccerStud(28) pic

Iron Man 2 (Was it worth seeing?)

I'm not sure if i want to go see the new Iron Man or not.  I am in college so i don't have a lot of spending money, so i don't wanna waste it.  So i would really appreciate it if you just voted and gave me your opinion.  Thank You!  Laughing


Side Score: 7

No Way

Side Score: 10
2 points

I enjoyed it, nowhere near as good as the first but still had its funny moments. I thought a lot of the movie was simply plot building for the next movie though.

Side: yes

I saw it and it was worthwhile. If you are an Iron Man fan, the attraction to the movie is there.

Side: Yes
2 points

Not really, it wasn't as good as the first one. It wasn't terrible but I think it would be better left for DVD.

Side: NO WAY
2 points

The critics didn't much care for it.

They said it lacked the 'enjoyability' of the first movie.

I'd wait for Robin Hood, if I were you.

Side: NO WAY


Side: NO WAY

Did you do that for Avatar?

Surely the cinematic experience is unimaginably more enjoyable for Avatar than watching a plain old 2D DVD.

Side: NO WAY

Yes, I watched Avatar in 2D.--------------------------------------

Side: NO WAY
1 point

it was not worth seeing at all it was so boring the first one was a-lot better than the second one. they needed more action in it. the movie was so weird and boring. it was totally not worth seing, i didn't like it at all.

Side: NO WAY