
Debate Info

Yeah, sure. No, I'm not nuts!
Debate Score:26
Total Votes:26
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 Yeah, sure. (6)
 No, I'm not nuts! (11)

Debate Creator

Hellno(17753) pic

Is 400 points worth talking to yourself for one hour?

It takes one hour to gain 400 points by talking to yourself in a private community.... is it worth it? Would you consider that a good use of your time? Or is someone who would do that just a pathetic loser or maybe has mental issues?

Yeah, sure.

Side Score: 8

No, I'm not nuts!

Side Score: 18
1 point

Yeah if you want to do it go ahead Hellno. Then you can boost to get your 10k.

Side: Yeah, sure.

So HellNo, just 2 hours of work and you could have whatever prize comes with 10,000 points. (Is that the Ginsu knife set?)

I don't know what the private community has to do with it though. Do you get extra points for that?

Side: Yeah, sure.
1 point

Well... because if you do it in a private community like Prodigee does, then no one can see you cheating.

Side: Yeah, sure.
2 points

Actually it is really insane. I don't understand why anyone would want to...but I know someone who is crazy enough to do it!

Side: No, I'm not nuts!
1 point

But 5k sure is. ;)

Side: No, I'm not nuts!
Hellno(17753) Disputed
1 point

Well you only got about 400 out of your little "succes" rant... (Yes, you spelled it wrong)

Side: Yeah, sure.
1 point

Looser, for sure. Anyone who "needs" points in order to inflate their ego should really be booking an appointment to come see me in my clinic.

Side: No, I'm not nuts!
1 point

Whoa isn't that crazy?um yea you have 400 but really? Its not worth it.Now if you have 1000 points then you CELEBRATE!!!!


Side: No, I'm not nuts!
2 points

Dude! Where in the hell have you been? I thought maybe you had too much tequila or something?!

Side: No, I'm not nuts!
1 point

Oh i just got a liitle bored and went to do some other things now im back and ready for some action

Side: No, I'm not nuts!



Side: No, I'm not nuts!

Don't do it Hellno.

Just bide your time, most of us enjoy your company, it'd be better for all of us if you don't leave yet.

Side: No, I'm not nuts!
1 point

Huh? You talking about me gettin' to 10K? That's not what this was about... I'm not going to point farm.....

Side: No, I'm not nuts!