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Debate Score:10
Total Votes:14
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orangepeel(190) pic

Is Liberalism morally right?


Just deny it.                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Always blame America.

Clinton is good, perjury is bad

Kill innocent babies, not convicted murderers.

Al Qaeda has rights, Christians don't.

Support our troops by rooting against them!

Socialism: There is no substitute!

Do liberals really believe this? I'm just curious that's all.


Side Score: 6


Side Score: 4
1 point

This is more of a straw-man than an actual criticism. A straw-man in debate is when you attribute beliefs to an opposing side, that they don't actually hold. Like if I said "animal rights activists hate human beings" this would be considered a straw-man.

Hopefully most reasonable people can see this for what it is, political mud-slinging.

If you're really in such political isolation that you can't even tell if something accurately represents the opposing side then you should abstain from these debates, or risk appearing 'ignorant'. I would suggest going to liberal sources to see if this is really what they believe. You'll find it isn't.

Side: yes
orangepeel(190) Disputed
1 point

I'm not saying this is true, it's just an exaggeration. I would suggest going to liberal sources to see if this is really what they believe. You'll find it isn't. I did and I found out about the Ake Green case. If this is what liberals really believe, then why do they say they believe in freedom?

Side: No
1 point

Bullshit. You have no clue about what liberalism really means. I am a liberal and I am not like that. Let me ask you a few questions. Have you ever excepted help of any kind from the government, do you drive on public roads, do you ever or have you ever used a public library, have you received healthcare from a public clinic or hospital, etc.? If you answer yes to anyone of these questions, you too have liberal beliefs. Say it loud and say it proud. ;)

Side: Yes
1 point

The true pillars of liberalism: Religious freedom, political freedom, healthcare freedom, and reproductive freedom. Are you noticing a common theme here? It is FREEDOM.

Side: Yes
1 point

Many of you have probably seen this satire circulating around the internet, and it made me think, is Liberalism morally right? Is a convicted murderers life more important than that of an innocent baby?

Side: No
0 points

Clinton is good, perjury is bad

What Clinton? Hillary or Bill. Of course perjury is bad. Do you think lying in court is fair or morally right?

Kill innocent babies, not convicted murderers.

How can you describe a fetus as a baby? It is not a baby. If it is a baby, then why aren't they counted in the Census because mother's count the fetus as part of the family already yet it isn't even born. Since when are murders being set free for murder. That would be news to me.

Always blame America.

What does that even mean?

Al Qaeda has rights, Christians don't.

Regardless of what religion, all born natural citizens or under the custody of U.S. law have the right to the United States Constitution unless you are deemed a terrorist

Support our troops by rooting against them!

This is plain stupid because who doesn't support troops. Liberals oppose the war.

Socialism: There is no substitute!

Well, America isn't socialist, but social programs with socialist tendencies.

Side: yes

No, because it goes against human nature ;)

Side: No